Intro •
Eco2 & Lodging •
The Diving •
Site: The Monoliths •
Site: Crypto Mania •
Namponda Corner |
We had barely left the surface before a school of about 50 Blackfin barracudas swam closely by. Once we had recovered from that we discovered that we had landed in the middle of a colony of Aurora shrimpgobies (Amblyeleotris aurora). For every squaremeter two or three gobies could be seen each guarding its own shrimp. In return the shrimp was very busy cleaning their joint dwelling for sand and coral rubble.
Small enclaves in the colony were occupied by Garden
eels, though these were so shy that I couldn’t see much more than the heads
sticking out.
Like most triggerfish this one ought to prefer its own
company but in the marine park they congregated in large schools. We saw
them all right but unfortunately they kept their distance. Namponda Corner is a flat site filled with rubble but interrupted by rocks and coral formations of various shapes and sizes acting as magnets on most lifeforms in the area. The current gently took us past small bommies with morays, Moorish idols, bannerfish, snappers, damsels, and a huge variety of butterflyfish. We even had a tuna and a hawksbill check us out. Twice we encountered a huge school of jackfish that – according to Martin – contained five different species. I never did learn to tell the difference.
A large boulder on the bottom functioned as a cleaning station, and here we had the privilege of watching a large Potato grouper (Epinephelus tukula) getting the full treatment by a couple of Cleaner wrasse. |
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